Monday, June 18, 2012

Homespun muesli recipe

Apples and cinnamon baking in the oven. Smells so enticing, so comforting when its cold.
Tonight I made muesli or granola, for the second time. I feel ready to share it with you now.

If you've been following my cooking posts you'll know I'm a slap dash sort of cook, a bit of this, bit more of that. I'm not precise or fussy. This recipe is very adaptible. I'll share as I mix it up. Please let me know your variations too.

Mix together the following dry ingredients:
rolled oats
wheat germ or bran
sunflower seeds
pepitas (green pumpkin kernels)
nuts of choice - pecans, hazlenuts etc...

Stir these wet ingredients into the dry until well combined.
Juice 1 apple. If you don' have a juicer about 1/3-1/2 cup unsweetened apple juice
1/2 cup maple syrup
1 teaspoon vanilla

Spread onto a lined baking sheet and put in the oven for 35 minutes or so.
Keep stirring evey 10 minutes until cooked evenly. It should brown gently.  It will crisp up as it cools.

Add chia seeds. I haven't done my research to know how well the nutrients cope with cooking so I added them at the end. Add dried fruit of choice - I added sultanas and dates. I recommend organic where possible. Sulphur doesn't agree with me so I look for low or no preservative fruits. Additive 220 (sulphur) keeps fruit from turning brown. That's why organic dried apricots are black not orange. Visually less appealing but they taste the same. You wouldn't notice the colour or lack of, in this muesli.

Store in an airtight container. My last batch lasted beautifully. 

Serve with fresh yoghurt. Its so easy, so adaptable to your own taste and is sure to impress your friends.  I hope you enjoy.

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